Affiliated Ministries
Find out more about our partner ministries!
Graduates' Christian Fellowship
The Graduates' Christian Fellowship (GCF) is a fellowship of inter-denominational Christian professionals committed to leadership in Christian thinking and initiatives, and to the provision of a Biblical voice that will impact the Church and Society. The CMDF is a sectional group of GCF.
International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA)
The ICMDA exists to start and strengthen Christian national medical and dental movements. They comprise a small team of staff members, but have over 60 fieldworkers who cover every region of the world.The vision of ICMDA is to see a Christian witness through doctors and dentists in every community in every nation.
SEAChange supports institutional transformation in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion, especially in colleges and universities.
Healthcare Christian Fellowship
HCF Singapore began in 1985 with a group of healthcare Christians in National University Hospital. It seeks to inspire believers in the healthcare field to share God’s love at their workplace & promote Christ-centred healthcare.
Singapore Nursing Christian Fellowship
SNCF is an interdenominational organization existing to strengthen Christian life and witness within the Nursing profession. Founded in 1960, it is part of Nurses’ Christian Fellowship International (NCFI) which has a membership of over 30 countries.
St. Luke's Hospital
St Luke's Hospital, named after the patron saint of the medical profession, was the first hospital in Singapore dedicated to the elderly sick. They have since expanded their services beyond the elderly to enrich more lives.
Dentistry CF
Dent CF comprises NUS dental students passionate for Christ and with a desire to be effective salt and light wherever they are.
MedNurse CF
MedNurse CF is a Christian student-led organisation based in NUS, comprising the medicine and nursing faculties.
LKC Medical Christian Fellowship
LKC MCF is a fellowship of medical students in NTU committed to building an altar for the Lord in our school and catching His heart through discipleship, evangelism, and missions in Medicine.
Duke-NUS Christian Medical Fellowship is a fellowship where we seek to integrate our faith in Jesus Christ and the practice of Medicine.